A great city is one whose image dwells in the memory man. When we look to iconic cities such as New York, Hong Kong, London, Paris or Shanghai, we remember them for their distinctive skylines and architecture. We also carry romantic images of their great legacies in science, faith, commerce, philosophy and art. Xie Chong’s Paradise series however are about a different type of great city whose image springs from an ingenuous soul.
Xie Chong’s city scenes are not about the manic bustling energy of a modern metropolis, but a throwback to the quieter urban world that many may remember from their youth. It is a heartwarming city of connected people, not the caffeine-infused frenzy of the iPhone generation.
Xie Chong’s cities are populated by people who understand a very different pace of life. The tranquil scenes are of unhurried people savoring the simple joys of life. Plato once said of Athens ‘This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are’. Xie Chong’s cities do not contain inspiring monuments or famous buildings, but its carefree citizens create their own memorable city of peace and joy. His is a city of the heart that taps on the universal yearning for simplicity and harmony.